Bollywood diva Priyanka Chopra who was recently in the UK shooting for Kunal Kohli’s film with Shahid Kapoor, flew off to Los Angeles to record her first pop music album. The 29-year-old, who won the Miss World crown for India in 2000, has signed a recording deal with music company Universal Music Group (UMG) and Desi Hits! -- a fusion entertainment platform. She will be writing and singing the songs in English. Work on her album has already begun, and she is mighty excited about it.
This morning Piggy Chops tweeted, “OMG OMG…it’s finally happened. Big day for me guys… going nuts!! Just signed a recording deal to release my debut International music album.”
The album will be in English and the agent who handles international pop diva Lady Gaga’s work is also managing Priyanka Chopra’s music career across the globe. For the uninitiated, Piggy Chops is a trained Western Classical singer and, people close to her know that she is a fab crooner. We wonder why no filmmaker in Bollywood ever got her to sing for one of her films. Priyanka is excited about exploring a new facet of her life.
“It has been a long cherished dream which is finally coming true. I am truly excited to have an opportunity to present my musical dimension on a world platform. I am privileged to be a part of the Universal Music and Desi Hits (record labels) family and to be working with some of the most illustrious names in the music industry.”
Tinsel town is proud of actress Priyanka Chopra's foray into the music world on a global platform. Her industry friends like Shah Rukh Khan, Preity Zinta, Farhan Akhtar, Riteish Deshmukh, and filmmaker Kunal Kohli have wished her good luck.
"Congratulations @priyankachopra for the music thingy u r doing. from being the little girl who became miss world & made us so proud, go & rule the music world (sic)," superstar Shah Rukh posted on micro-blogging site Twitter.
Preity wrote: "@priyankachopra Congrats love! Am sure u will rock it! muaah!", while Kohli posted: "Isn't the news about @priyankachopra's music deal just superb! PC you're already a rock star for us!"
"I've already started working on the album. It's scary but so very exciting & I'm counting on UR support as I begin this exciting new journey," posted Priyanka.
Celebrity photographer Atul Kasbekar has already offered to shoot the cover for her album.
"congrats pc, knock em dead. I wanna shoot the cd cover!!! Good luck n best always," he tweeted.
Meanwhile, Priyanka is feeling blessed with all the wishes from her friends and fans, and says she needs them all.
"Music has always been a passion and now I have been given the opportunity to share it with the world. Wish me luck... THANK YOU AND a BIG HUG to all of u for ur good wishes... ill need u all to be the wind beneath my wings... as u have always been with my movies," added Priyanka.
She posted a special thank you note for Shah Rukh, with whom she will be seen in one of the most awaited movie of the year -- "Don 2: The Chase Continues" -- in December.
"Thank you @iamsrk... U have always believed in me and it means so much having your support... love n respect always."