Aditya Narayan, son of playback singer Udit Narayan has done more harm than good to his career since his entry into Bollywood. The young singer-actor, who is currently hosting the Indian version of popular reality show ` The X Factor` has been embroiled in an awful encounter with an unknown woman at a bar in Mumbai.
Buzz has it that junior Narayan was drunk when he passed lewd remarks at a girl at a bar. The girl in question was quick enough to retaliate; she slapped him hard.
Talking to a tabloid, an eyewitness said, "Aditya was drunk and hanging around with his friends at a pub in a five star hotel. His girlfriend Shweta was also in the vicinity. Apparently, the actor-singer passed a snide comment on a girl and was even falling over her. The mystery girl was with a bunch of buddies but she alone was more than a match for him. Before he knew it, she slapped him."
The young TV anchor did admit the fact that he was at the bar but denied teasing the girl and eventually being slapped by her.
Venting out his anger, Aditya, while talking to the tabloid said, "Do you think any girl can slap me and get away? Whoever this girl is, she is doing it just for publicity. She can say whatever she wants to. I would say she is very dumb."
Explaining, what happened that night, Aditya said, “It was just a minor argument. I was there with two beautiful women. A club is full of people.
They act fresh and when you don`t respond to them they get offended. As long as my conscience is clear I have no worries. My parents have taught better than to get into fights with women."
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